Monday, 10 February 2014

Second Class.

The second day was a debate class where Narendra put us into groups to discuss different topics after watching the movie, never sorry, of the controversial artist Ai weiwei. The concept of art and an artist was put to question and if it was necessary for an artist to be an activist or not. During the discussions there was a lot of internal conflict in our group as everyone’s notion of who an artist, and how to differ between the both, was really contrasting.

During the debate, the discussion collided between concepts of morality, installations and art itself. Each of the three groups had to construct a sentence which defined the topic of their group discussion perfectly according to the debate. After the debate a lot of new perspectives on how people actually see and consider art flowed through my mind and made me wonder who an artist really was. My answers ranged from philosophical  views about art and artists, the technical aspects of art to soul searching and personal expression to, finally, a vague feeling you get after doing a piece that gets you a kick out of it.

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